
Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sunday Setlist / 10.17.10

So, here's the rundown of the 9:00 am service at Highland Community Church in Highland, IL.


Let Your Glory Shine (D) [Lincoln Brewster]
     Welcome and Announcements
     Baptism: Jeniba Johnson
I Stand Amazed in the Presence (F) [Charles H. Gabriel]
Breathe (F) [Marie Barnett]
Hungry (D) [Kathryn Scott]
      Scripture Reading
You Are All That I Need (A)
Let Your Glory Shine (D)

Jonathan David Eckberg - guitar/vocals
Tim McDaniel - drums
Aaron McDaniel - electric guitar
Joe Szoke - bass

We had a bit of a rocky start this morning.  I showed up to the church and we had no power.  No PA, no lights, no nothing.  I scrambled for a few minutes and threw together a back up set of music that I could cover with just the acoustic if necessary.  With no projection I wanted to make sure we had songs that people would know without seeing the words (and that I would know without a chord chart and lyric sheet - I don't carry my songbook with me).  I planned on replacing our first couple songs with "Holy is the LORD" and "GOD of Wonders".  Fortunately, at about 8:40 we got power back.  We went over the set list VERY briefly as a band and proceeded to kick off the service.  Our sound engineer made a great observation.  He said something to the effect of "this kind of stuff makes you give up control, even though control is an illusion, we never have it".  I think the morning went great after that because we were all forced to realize that we are not the ones in control.  We are not the ones who are making the morning go.  GOD simply offered us an opportunity to lead our brothers and sisters into the worship of his name throughout the course of the morning and none of what happens matters apart from his  Spirit.

Let Your Glory Shine - We're trying to add this song into a more regular rotation as an intro song.  It's a really good "call to worship" tune.  Lots of energy, fantastic message, and our congregation has seemed to latch onto it.  The bonus is that it is a BLAST to play.  It's actually a pretty simple song, so it's easy to rock out to it and find a good groove to roll with.

I Stand Amazed in the Presence - We went with a very traditional version of this old hymn.  We did pick up the tempo on it a little, but we didn't get carried away.  It was a nice mid-tempo song.  I've been walking around singing this song all week.  I think there's is something phenomenal about that constant reminder of the marvelous and wonderful nature of GOD's love for us.  I was talking with a friend of mine this week and I confessed to him that I often don't focus on the weight of GOD's love.  I understand it in my head, but there are a lot of time when I fight to keep that head knowledge from penetrating my heart.  I think one of the best defenses against this is to sing a song like "I Stand Amazed" (one of my other favorites for this pupose is "How Deep the Father's Love for Us").

Breath - be made a smooth transition from "I Stand Amazed" into  "Breathe".  The message for the week focuses on Jesus statement of "I am the bread of life" and Pastor Wise was discussing the importance of Jesus to our daily lives, the power, strength, and comfort we recieve, and how we must desire to submit 100% to His calling to receive His gifts.  So coming out of a song that marvels at His love, we roll into Breathe" which speaks of our desire to have Christ and have Him fully.  A song that touches on our inability to survive and function properly without His love and His guidance not on a daily basis, but on a moment-to-moment basis.

Hungry - We then worked our way into "Hungry".  This is a similar song to Breathe, they carry a common message, but it's a shift from GOD as the one thing that is necessary for us to truly live, to a more focused expression of our desire to come before Him and to submit our lives in service to him.  So it's really taking us from our need (Breathe) to our holy desire (Hungry).  

Message - Pastor is beginning a series right now that looks at Jesus' "I am..." statements in the book of John.  This week kicked it off with "I am the bread of life."

You Are All That I Need - This was our response song for the morning.  I have no idea who wrote it (if you know and can help me out, please leave a comment and tell me).  It's an amazing song I picked up from Dave Hunt in my time at Rolling Hill Community Church in Nashville, TN.  The chorus is simply "You are all that I need / You are all that I need / When I am weak I will trust in thee / You are all that I need."  It's beautifully written piece of music that has always been one of my favorites to play in my personal times of worship.

To see what other congregations are singing check out the Sunday Setlist at

1 comment:

  1. jonathan,

    thanks for sharing your learning point about control for this morning. this is something i need to be reminded of continually. i once heard bob sorge say that the goal of a worship leader is to "get control to lose control."

    stay connected...
