
Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Purpose of Worship Through Song

I've been posed this question a few times before, but I was just thinking about it again on my drive home from leading worship for a retreat this past weekend.  The question pertains to the role of singing songs in the corporate setting of the Church.

First off, we are called to encourage each other through "psalms, hymns and spiritual songs"(Eph. 5:19) and James 5 tells us "Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise".  There are also countless verses throughout the Bible that talk of singing songs of praise to GOD and significant moments that are accompanied by song (Exodus 15, Judges 5, 2 Samuel 22, Luke 1:46-55, 67-79, Psalm 96:1, Psalm 100:2, Isaiah 55:12, Rev 5:9, among many others).  However, none of these speak specifically to the use/purpose of songs within the context of the corporate gathering of the saints.

So, where does that leave us?

I think the role that music plays in the corporate setting (for our purposes we will consider this the "Sunday morning service") varies with different groups people.

For the regenerated believers, those who have confessed with their mouths and believe in their hearts that Jesus Christ is Lord, our entire lives should be an act of worship.  This, then, carries over into our time spent with our brothers and sisters in Christ.  In the corporate gathering, singing songs and worshipping through music is a time to lift the name of GOD in unity, praising him for the victories of the week, thanking him for the blessings in our lives, and drawing near to feel His comfort through the unified voices of His people.  This worship in unity is found when our voices rise together.  We don't really feel that connection during the sermon, as we worship with our financial offerings, or even in the act of communion - these are very individual acts.  They are done together, but are personal acts between us and Christ.  In the singing of songs we offer ONE voice to our Father in Heaven.  It is the collective praise of GOD's people.

I think there is also an element to preparation in the songs of the redeemed.  Now, I don't believe that singing, in and of itself, can prepare us to enter the presence of GOD and to open our hearts to what He has brought us there to hear from Him - this is an ongoing process.  I believe this preparation starts on Monday morning and must be cultivated throughout the week.  However, there is something to be said for having a specific time where your focus is on the worship of GOD.  This can be an excellent time to breathe and leave all the distractions of the morning behind while you remember who GOD is, what He has done, and what He is preparing you for in a life lived for His glory.

I think for those in an intermediate stage of faith, those who understanding or are starting to understand who GOD is, but have not yet become regenerated through belief and confession of who He is, it may be the only time in the week when they truly present themselves before GOD.  When they let down all their defenses and praise Him for being the almighty GOD of Heaven and Earth.  This is now a preparatory stage for GOD to truly speak into their lives through the preaching and teaching of the Word (be that from the Pastor or from the people that GOD has placed in that person’s life).

For the person who is still far from GOD, music creates an emotional tie that brings them near the family of GOD.  It is an opportunity to speak GOD’s truth into their lives in a theologically sound and biblically relevant manner that they may not even be aware of.  For these people it is often through the way that the congregation, the family, responds in song that shows the depth of love that GOD has been poured out on His people.  In any scenario, regardless of style of music, I believe this is an important aspect of the corporate gathering.

Part two of this discussion generally comes around to how I, as a worship leader, make this happen.

I don’t make it happen.  Only the Holy Spirit makes any of this happen.  I find when I put all my effort into making this work it never occurs.  However, I do try to come prepared to serve when the Spirit opens people’s hearts.  The first step is for me to come prepared to worship.  No matter how tough a morning, week, month, or year it’s been for me I have to be in a place, spiritually, where I can say, “GOD you are awesome and I love you and I NEED to praise you today”.  That’s sometimes very difficult, but if the worship leader is not leading in worship, he is never effective.  I also believe that I have to be willing to get out of the way.  It is important to discern where the Spirit is leading you have to be able to bend to His will.  Sometimes the Spirit may move you to say something, sometimes he may just tell you to sit down and let the people reflect on what GOD’s telling them.  You have to be able to adjust either way.  I think another means of being effective is to be excellent in a musical sense.  This includes performance, ambiance, set list, order of service.  The key is to present a service that guides people into GOD’s presence without distraction.  This rarely goes off as planned (let's be honest, I don't think it ever goes off as planned), but if everything is well prepared, the flow is right, and you are open to the leading of the Spirit then the minor distractions that Satan will undoubtedly throw at you can be overcome.

For me this is a constantly evolving idea.  As I progress in my Christian walk and as I continue to gain more and more experience as a worship leader I remain open to the knowledge and insight that GOD allows me to receive.

What do you think?

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