
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Sunday Setlist / 5.20.12

A look at how we get down at Community Gospel Church in Bremen, IN...


Children of Your Promise [Jonathan Eckberg]
       Opening Challange
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus [Helen Lemmel]
Come Ye Sinners [Joseph Hart]
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (reprise)
You Are So Good To Me [Don Chaffer/Lori Chaffer]
Your Grace is Enough [Matt Maher]


Jonathan Eckberg - guitar/vocals
Nick Hostetler - drums
Randy Hepler - bass
Larry Ingle - vocals
Kay Smith - vocals
Staci Smith - vocals
Kevin Schmidt - audio
Vance Csaszar - video


We decided to try something a little different with our schedule today. One of the things we, as a staff, have been considering over the past several months especially is how to integrate the entire service better. We strive to tie every aspect of the service into the theme of the message. Our goal is that, from the time people walk into the sanctuary until the time they walk out at the end of the service, the people are hearing one message. I think we've come to a point to where all of the elements are where they need to be (or at least headed in the right direction). Our new challenge is to bridge the elements and walk people through the service in a seamless manner.

With that in mind, we started this week with a shortened intro song. Then Pastor Jordan Muck offered a brief "challenge" that presented the concept of the morning and gave people a direction in thought before we launched into the worship set. We worked out transitions between songs in the set with some musical interludes and some scripture meditation and tried to work our schedule to take people on a journey that led them to the mornings message. 

I think it worked well. As with anything, we have some improving to do and there are many ways we can clean up the entire service, but I was pleased with how it turned out. The staff will now sit down and evaluate and tweak and we will continue to try to progress and build the service that makes the most of the time we have to spend with our church family every week.

The message this week was the the close of our 4-week series in 1 John 1 that examined Christian fellowship both with GOD and one another.


Children of Your Promise - We introduced this song two weeks ago. It was written when we were discussing teaching a longer series in 1 John and it draws heavily from 1 John 3 and Hebrews 10. This is a song that turned out really well and I'm excited about using it a little more with our congregation and getting it recorded later this summer (working on some details, but we are hoping to do a recording project in late July/early August... I'll post some details when we get it all locked down).

Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus - We opened the main set with this song written by Helen Lemmel in 1922. The message today focused on admitting our own sin and confession. The act of confession begins with a forsaking (in a certain sense) of all that the world tells us is important and resting our eyes solely upon Christ as the things of earth fade from our hearts. When this becomes our focus we are renewed in knowledge according to the image of our Creator, able to put on love and bear together, forgiving as Christ forgave us, and stand united in Him (Colossians 3:10-14).
[album - This is Our God - Hillsong Live]

Come Ye Sinners - We use the updated version of this old hymn. I used this sandwiched between choruses of "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus". The thought behind it is that we must recognize who Christ is in order to truly recognize our own sin. When we do that we can rest in the love and grace of Him who was sacrificed for us. We see that we are sinners who are weak and wounded, sick and sore. But it doesn't end there we can, as the lyrics say, "arise and go to Jesus". In doing so we gain an even greater understanding of love and grace and our affection and attentions (our eyes) should be drawn back to Jesus.
[album - 10,000 Charms - Robbie Seay Band]

You Are So Good to Me - As I've mentioned about this song before we rock this one out. It maintains the melody and all, but we give it a cool bluesy-rock vibe. It's a lot of fun to play. Between "Come Ye Sinners" and this song we had a time of scripture meditation that included Psalm 14:3 (acknowledgment of personal sin) and Romans 5:8-11 (redemption from that sin through Christ). "You Are So Good To Me" then is a song of celebration. It is a song that expresses the goodness and grace that we have received not because of what we have done, but because of what Christ did on our behalf.
[album - Waterdeep Worship - Waterdeep]

Your Grace is Enough - As we rest in the goodness of our father we realize that even in our natural sinful state we serve a god who is faithful and just and who gives his children everything they could need in this life. Even when we wrestle with our own sin we know that as the battle continues, the war is won - because His grace is enough.
[album - Arriving - Chris Tomlin]

To see what other churches are singing visit the sunday setlist at

Monday, May 14, 2012

Sunday Setlist / 5.13.12

Here's a look at how Community Gospel Church celebrated Mother's Day together...


Counting On GOD
     Welcome & Announcements
     Welcoming of New Members & Child Dedication
Marvelous Light [Charlie Hall]
GOD of Wonders [Marc Byrd/Steve Hindalong]
Let Us Shine [Jonathan Eckberg]
Mighty to Save (bridge only) [Ben Fielding/Reuben Morgan]
     Dismiss / Presentation of Roses


Jonathan Eckberg - guitar/vocals
Beth Stemble - keys
Nick Hostetler - drums
Randy Hepler - bass
Cyndi Leamon - vocals
Alli Hutchens - vocals
Dale Graham - audio
Brent Wiseman - visual


I feel like I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but we had an awesome day at CGC. So much cool stuff is happening at our church right now. Yesterdays morning we inducted 21 new members to our church family and did 9 child dedications. This comes on the heals of conducting 16 baptisms on March 11. On top of that we've got a few other big things that are coming in the next few month. This church is seeing GOD move in some incredible ways. He is awakening hearts and calling His church to action and the people of CGC are responding. I cannot tell you how excited I am for what GOD's going to do in this community over the next year, 5-years, 20-years, and on!

As for the message this week, we continued our study of 1 John 1. This week we looked at "Getting Back to the Fundamentals" in 1 John 1:5-7. In these verses John is talking about walking in the light and remaining true to our claim that we are in the light.

As we closed the service we had roses to give to all the women of our church in honor of Mother's Day.


Counting On GOD - Our opener this week is such a fun song about the dependence of God and the joy that accompanies knowing that no matter what comes along He give enough strength for the day. I have been playing this song for years, but it's not one that I see moving out of the rotation anytime soon.
[album - Overcome - Desperation Band]

Marvelous Light - We kicked off the mains set with this song. It seemed like an obvious choice for a message about walking and remaining in the light. "Into marvelous light I'm running/out of darkness out of shame". Enough said.
[album - Flying into Daybreak - Charlie Hall]

GOD of Wonders - As we come to know the light and walk in that light I think our response must be an acknowledgment of all that GOD is and all that GOD does. This "standard" worship tune gets to that point. With the opening lines, "early in the morning/I will celebrate the light" it fit into the theme of walking in the light and coming out of darkness well. In retrospect, I probably could have (maybe should have) switched the order of these two songs. I think in terms of walking through the message of the morning this song should have been first and it should have been followed by Marvelous Light, but musically it made much more sense to flow from GOD of Wonders into the next song. I went back and forth with this for a while, but in the end I thought the message flowed well enough to make it justifiable. That's one of those areas that can, from time to time, create some tension for me: finding the balance between music and message. The message always comes first, but this seemed to be a situation where that could go either way, so my final decision came down to one of musicality.
[album - In the Company of Angels - Caedmon's Call]

Let Us Shine - I wrote this song as part of our 1P29C (1 Peter 2:9 Christian) series in Jan/Feb. It was a great fit for this mornings message. It talks about remaining in the light and being a representation of the true light as we walk through the world. I particularly like how the song ties together our churches vision statement ("to make Christ known near and far") in the second verse to the action of the chorus, "let us shine/we will overcome the darkness/by the light of Your great love // let us shine/be Your hope among the broken/be the light of Your great love". I always think of Exodus 34:29-35 when I sing this song. I think about how Moses encounters GOD and he leaves with his face shining. He has no control over it. GOD leaves his mark and everyone knows, without a doubt, who Moses serves. I hope my face shines.

Mighty to Save - Coming out of "Let Us Shine" we went straight to the bridge of this one, "shine your light and let the world see/we're singing for the glory of the risen king", and sang it a few times as a closing chorus-style refrain.
[album - Mighty to Save - Hillsong Live]

That's how we worshipped yesterday. To see how others worship and what songs our brothers and sisters are singing in other churches check out the Sunday Setlist at

Monday, May 7, 2012

Sunday Setlist / 5.6.12

Check out the 10:10 am service at Community Gospel Church in Bremen, IN:


Children of Your Promise [Jonathan Eckberg]
     Welcome & Announcements / Offering
Holy Nation [Jordan Muck/Jonathan Eckberg]
Heirs [Muck/Eckberg]
Let Your Kingdom Reign [Chris Brown/Mack Brock]
The Intercession [Muck/Eckberg]
Children of Your Promise [Eckberg]


Jonathan Eckberg - guitar/vocal
Beth Stemble - keys
Jordan Muck - bass
Nick Hostetler - drums
Jess Yoder - vocal
Alli Hutchens - vocal
Cyndi Leamon - vocal
Mike Stemble - audio
Vance Csaszar - video


This week we took a break from our series on 1 John and welcomed in a guest preacher. Dr Jeff Gill was with us today. Dr Gill is the Dean of Grace Theological Seminary. He was a Senior Pastor for 20 years in the state of Ohio. He is an incredibly gifted speaker who has a wealth of excellent experience to share. I had the privilege of taking a class with Dr Gill last spring and it has been one of the highlights of my seminary experience thus far. All that to say that we were very excited to have him share his biblical wisdom and scriptural insight with us.

Dr Gill spoke on 2 Corinthians 5:11-21 pointing out our roles as ambassadors of Christ. The emphasis was on the fact that an ambassador speaks for the one he represents. The ambassadors life is no longer his own. He went on to teach that we must find our identity and our passion in the message of the great exchange. Musically, we wound up doing a lot of original material this week. As we work towards this more and more with our people I try to set aside one week every two or three months where we do all (or almost all) original music. I think it gives people a good chance to sing and review the truths that have been taught over the past months.


Children of Your Promise - We introduced this new song on Sunday. It's an upbeat number that draws heavily from Hebrews 10 and 1 John 3. It's a song about our proper response to GOD's movement in our lives. The verses speak to how He constantly at work and showing himself to be just and faithful. The chorus says, "We will be the children of Your promise / We will not give up our faith / We will be soldiers for Your glory / we will not shrink back / We'll never fade away". The bridge section the asks if we have in fact seen GOD move, then how could we ever possibly keep His message to ourselves?

Holy Nation - This song was written for the 1 Peter 2:9 series. When we were in that series we were without a drummer, so this week was the first time it has been worked out with a full band arrangement. It turned out REALLY cool. I used the electric and gave it a Toad the Wet Sprocket-esqu guitar fill to the verses (the more I think about it, the more I think I stole the guitar part from the song "Brother"). Nick gave it a solid grove and Jordan added a nice bass run to the bridge section. I liked this song when we wrote it, but I loved playing it this week.

Heirs - Jordan and I wrote this one for our last EP and have put some good mileage on it. It fit well with the message of the morning as it's a song about GOD's adoption of us and our new standing as co-heirs with Christ. This adoption gives us new life, the old is gone and the new has come (2 Cor 5:17). This new life offers us a new identity and new passions in the message of our father GOD through the work of Jesus Christ.
[album - Heirs - Until We're Kings]

Let Your Kingdom Reign - I felt like this song had a natural flow from "Heirs" as we sang of our new life as adopted children of GOD and builds off the new passions thru the message of truth. Our passion is that the kingdom of heaven would rule on the earth. GOD's kingdom will reign forever and we must simply do what He has called us to in order to represent that kingdom on earth. We do a lot of Elevation Worship tunes at CGC. In terms of contemporary worship I think you would be hard pressed to find a band that writes more singable and theologically sound material than these guys. That's why I love their stuff - and have for several years. They are musically interesting and skilled and they don't water down the gospel by oversimplifying things. That's what we're striving for in our original material. We want to be artistically accessible but we also want to keep the majesty of the scriptures and the levity of the gospel front-and-center. If you're in need of quality worship material that rocks out pick up their latest live album/dvd, For the Honor.
[album - God With Us - Elevation Worship]

The Intercession - This song fit perfectly with the message of the day (much better than I had even planned) so it was an appropriate response song. It was written for our series on Isaiah 53 and speaks of the message that has been received and our call to worship as a result of Christ being offered as the intercession for our transgressions. The bridge of the song points back to the great exchange (You saw the light of life / and you were satisfied / exchange of death for live / and we were justified) and really drove home Dr Gill's message.

To see how our brothers and sisters in other churches are worshipping you can check out the Sunday Setlist at