
Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sunday Setlist / 9.12.10

Check out the 9:00 am service at Highland Community Church in Highland, IL:

The Continuation [B] (Hunt/Cates)
            Welcome & Announcements
            Scripture Reading – Psalm 92:1-8
How Great Thou Art [C] (Boberg)
            Ron Eckberg – Special Presentation
Let My Words Be Few [G] (Redman)
The Continuation [B] (Hunt/Cates)

Jonathan David Eckberg - Electric Guitar/Vocals
Ron Eckberg - Acoustic Guitar/Vocals
Tim McDaniel - Drums
Aaron McDaniel - Lead Guitar
Joe Szoke - Bass

What a phenomenal Sunday!  Today was "Homecoming" Sunday at HCC.  The idea was to invite anyone we know who has ever been a part of the congregation to come back for one Sunday.  We were not trying to "win" people back to HCC, we just wanted to have a time of fellowship with anyone who had a part in the history of the church and the people that have been associated with it.  I thought it was an interesting concept.  As part of this "homecoming celebration" the church leadership asked Ron Eckberg (my dad) to come and share during both services.  As I was growing up my family had close ties with HCC (I learned today that my dad first visited HCC 30 years ago and came without my mom because she was approximately 8 months pregnant with me!), we used to come around several times each year and my dad would do concerts, teach, lead vacation bible schools, and do all kinds of stuff.  We were even close to moving to Highland at one point.  So it was a lot of fun for my dad to come back and share with HCC once again.  The added bonus, for me anyway, was that he also sat in with the band for morning worship.  It was a blast to have him playing guitar and sharing vocal duties with me.

The Continuation - This is a song by Dave Hunt (written with Chad Cates)  If you don't know of Dave, do yourself a favor and check out some of his work (his latest album was called "Love Abounds" and The Continuation is on "Shattered").  When I lived in Nashville, TN I attended Rolling Hills Community Church where Dave was the worship leader for several years.  He is a phenomenal worship leader and a great congregational-friendly song-writer.  The guy is rock solid and very subtle in his approach to leading, he has a knack for getting out of the way and allowing you to follow him into worship.  Spending those years watching him had a great influence on my own style of leading worship.  The song itself is a cool, uptempo tune.  I love it as an intro song, because it's all about coming into the corporate gathering not as something you do each week as another line of your to-do list, but as a celebration of what GOD has done for us and what he continues to do in our lives.  This celebration is an ever-progressing process.  Seriously, check his music out, it will be some of the most productive listening you do all week.

How Great Thou Art - After the scripture reading (Psalm 92:1-8) we HAD to do this song.  There was simply no other choice.  We do the Paul Baloche version that is an upbeat, rolling type song.  It uses the traditional melody with an added tag at the end of the chorus.  This keeps it contemporary, but you still feel grounded in some traditional Baptist roots (not sure I could really explain it, but most of you know what I mean)!

Special guest - Ron Eckberg - My dad then shared with the congregation for about 25 minutes with some songs and stories, and teaching.  Good stuff.  He even let me sit in on a couple songs.

Message - Pastor Larry Wise continued our series on Habakkuk.  Today was Habakkuk 3:1, 2 He focused on the power of prayer and the general awe that we should hold of GOD and of the power He possesses allows us to share in.  Very challenging message today.

Let My Words Be Few - I realized we did this song just a couple weeks ago, but for what Pastor asked we focus on today I felt like it was worth the repetition to focus on the songs we sing to our GOD and the awe and reverence that are accompanied with them.  When we did this song a couple weeks ago it was when I lead solo, so it was nice to put this song together with the full band (plus my dad).  I do love this song and the message that it carries.

That's what we did.  To see what other congregations are doing in their services check out the Sunday Setlist at

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