
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sunday Setlist / 8.15.10

The weekend's Sunday Setlist for the 9am service at Highland Community Church looked a little like this:

Amazing Things (Eckberg)
     Welcome & Announcements
     Scripture Reading
O Praise Him (Crowder)
You Never Let Go (Redman)
How Great is Our GOD (Tomlin)
     Message - Habakkuk 1:1-4
Amazing Things (Eckberg)

Jonathan David Eckberg - guitar/vocals
Tim McDaniel - drums
Aaron McDaniel - electric guitar
Joe Szoke - bass

I have to admit, when I saw that Pastor Wise was going to teach from Habakkuk I was slightly concerned. Although I've read the book a number of times I could not tell you anything specific about it off the top of my head.  I remembered he was a minor prophet, so bad things happen to Israel, they complain, GOD punishes then restores the nation of Israel (that's pretty much my blanket explanation for any/all the books of the prophets).  So, I thought it would be a good idea to study up on the book of Habakkuk before I started worrying about the worship sets.  As I read through the book the song "Amazing Things" just fell out.  It took all of about 15 minutes to write and it seemed like a good flow for the first week of our series.  So the band spent considerable time this past week learning parts and transitions and it came together well.

Amazing Things - the lyrics are taken straight out of Habakkuk and follows the book's progressions of "Habakkuk complains, GOD answers, Habakkuk complains, GOD answers, Habakkuk rejoices and worships".  We played it as the opener/call to worship, because people didn't know it (obviously).  This gave them a chance to listen and pick up on it, which they did as it's a very simple chorus.

O Praise Him - we keep this one pretty straight from the Crowder version.  I cut out all the "oh la la la la la la" parts and condense the song a little.  I always feel like that whole part of the song loses the congregation so I avoid it every chance I get.

You Never Let Go - kept with the theme of the day - GOD answering in our time of question/frustration.     This is another song we do pretty straight forward.

How Great is Our GOD - the GOD that continues to answer us and lift us up when we need it most is indeed a great GOD.  I could sing the chorus to this song ALL DAY LONG.  We sing the last chorus of You Never Let Go almost a cappella (there's a little light acoustic guitar to keep us on track) and we roll straight from "LORD, You never let go of me" to "The splendor of our King/Clothed in majesty".  It's an absolutely beautiful and awe-inspiring thought that the the King of Splendor is the GOD who never lets go of me.  I love it.  This is a very theatrical song for us (the lyrics lend it to that), we start low and we build to a rock-anthem high before we drop out the we come back in heavy for a couple choruses at the end before doing the a cappella chorus to end.  A little over the top?  Maybe, but it works.

Amazing Things - again this fit perfectly with the sermon because that's the reason it was written, so we reprised it as the response song.  Normally our response song is a slow, reflective song, but we went a different route because of the fit of the lyrics and the sermon.



How long?  How long?

Will You let injustice rise and triumph over me?
How long?  How long?
Will we see the wicked rise and reign abundantly?
Then You say, You say...

                        I will do amazing things
                        I will be your source of strength
                        And nothing of the schemes of man
                        Can ever stand
                        When I do amazing things         
How long?  How long?
Will you rest Your eyes upon the deeds of evil ones?
How long?  How long?
Must we wait to hear your voice proclaim salvation’s come?
Then You say, You say...

                                    LORD, we know Your fame           
                                    We stand in awe of Your works and Your name.
                                    LORD, we shout Your fame
                                    We stand in awe of Your works and Your name.
                                    May Your glory cover over all our shame.

You have done amazing things. 
You have been our source of strength
Nothing of the schemes of man
Can ever stand
For you have done amazing things.


  1. Jonathan, I am right there with you on How Great is Our God - it's got to be going on in heaven. Hey, do you have a recording of Amazing Things? Even a scratch one - sounds like a great song, and I've love to hear it. Thanks and have a great week.

  2. Harold, thanks for your interest in the song. I can email you the really rough scratch track that I sent to our worship team along with the chord chart. No problem.
